Giving A Dental Practice A Reason To Smile

Giving A Dental Practice A Reason To Smile

Dental Practice CASE STUDY


We wanted to spread awareness of our clients services and locations while delivering actionable results that would generate leads and see a substantial return on investment.

Dental practice


Social Media Elite are big believers in the marketing funnel, a means by which we can guide customers through the customer journey from first contact with a brand, to engaged and active customers. For this, we needed to convey the results our client could achieve for customers, and the positive effects and value it would bring to their lives.

Awareness Campaign in lead up to promotional event 

This stage of the funnel allowed us to show prospective customers the results our client can achieve. 

Messenger Ads – retargeted awareness video engagement 

This Interest level of the funnel allowed us to gauge the interest in our clients service existing in the market and respond accordingly.  

Following our Messenger Ads, we moved to the decision level of the funnel. This activity consisted of videos and testimonials from previous customers of our client to relay the impact the treatment has had on their confidence and share the experience of working with our client. We also utilised an Influencer (one of Ireland’s most prominent Influencers Keilidh MUA) to reach out to an even wider audience and convery the results our client achieved for each of their customers. 

The Decision level was optimised for conversions 

We ran a competition alongside our other activities that supported the awareness stage of our funnel, but targeted a “Luke-Warm” rather than fully cold, high relevance audience. Entrants who did not win were emailed and given the opportunity to opt in to future communications and competitions. 

This email component represented the Action Stage of our overall funnel.

The more engagement each stage of the funnel received, the more we anticipated strong results from the campaign, but our end result was another story completely. 


By the time the campaign had come to a close, we had achieved for our client's Dental Practice had over 7,000 results with a 50% attrition rate.

From an ad spend of €40,000 over the course of the campaign period, we returned and estimated revenue of €1,200,000, a return on investment of over 300!

Check Our Client Case Results

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